Reverse order of FB Import
under review
This is such an excellent suggestion! Thanks, Paul.
Paul Bannister
under review
Paul Bannister
Merged in a post:
Custom Data Range
Abubakr Sidahmed Apple
Designrr has a very limited option and use for Facebook..I tried over the last several months but failed mainly because there is no Custom Data Range.. With such feature customer can create a file or a book from a certain month or months..Till such feature is added designrr shall remain of no use to me
Paul Bannister
Also add period longer than 6months. 1 year worth of data from FB - Request from David Coursey
Quentin Pain
Just to add some weight to this, my use case is that I (in effect) wrote a book chapter by chapter in a group, which means chapter 1 is the oldest and so comes last when importing it into Designrr, making the book back to front.
Since everything in Facebook flows this way, it would make sense to have the option to reverse the flow (so things can be read in chronological order when published as a book).