Share draft URL with client & capture feedback and changes
A shareable URL (with password) enables clients to review the latest draft. Feedback/changes boxes next to the draft content, allows the client reviewer to request changes. Once completed, you receive an email advising it has been reviewed. Then instructions can be actioned and ultimately another draft URL can be shared, until you reach ‘approval’. Keep count of the number of reviews, and number of changes made. Good for tracking effort against commitments e.g. “I will make upto 2 rounds of changes”. Interestingly, this mechanism could also capture “reviews” with a 1-5 star rating system. Note: some clients have multiple reviewers, so more than one reviewer could be providing feedback, in each round.
Paul Bannister
This would be an awesome feature! Especially if a client could make changes to the content.
Paul Bannister
under review
Ko Shengzhen
Paul Bannister: Hi ... just some thoughts since i see this is under review ... maybe instead of a shareable url ... a better idea is to have a client dashboard or page where we could work with the client in real time ... where changes and feedback are made and we or the client are alerted if any updates have occur at the page. Just a thought.